Meaning And Benefits Of Brown Rice

So what exactly do we mean by brown rice, is it a special variety of rice. And why is the medical world so positive that eating brown rice is healthy. This report should be of interest to everyone, many of you might have given up eating rice presuming that white rice is not too healthy. Whole grains are today regarded as super foods, they pack in more nutrients, deliver more fiber and do a lot more to keep you healthy. Brown rice is classified as a whole grain, so it is worth including it in your diet. 

Rice when it is harvested, has a thick and stiff skin on top this is referred to as the hull of the grain. This layer is inedible and is invariably taken off the seed. Observe the seed after thehull is stripped of, it will not look quite like the white rice that is conventionally consumed. This is because there is another thin layer that clings to the seed, this is referred to as the bran layer. A polishing process needs to be run to rid the seed of the bran layer, if you hold back this step you end up with brown rice. 

White rice might look pretty and enticing but, brown rice contains far more nutrition and fiber as compared to white polished rice. The bran layer provides essential vitamins and minerals, it also contains a healthy form of oil and is composed of useful fiber. The absence of the polishing process yields brown rice, it is therefore sometimes referred to as unpolished rice. In this report we will talk about the health benefits brought about by eating brown rice. 

Brown rice is gluten free and has a high fiber content. It is also a good source of magnesium, phosphorous, selenium, niacin etc. Manganese is an essential element required by the human body, a cup of cooked brown rice contains around 80% of the daily manganese required by your body. Until recently it was believed that, essential antioxidants are mainly present in fruits and vegetables, research has revealed that many whole grains including brown rice are a good source of antioxidants. 

Heart Healthy: Brown rice is good for the heart, much research and testing has verified and proved this claim. Regulating blood pressure and offsetting sodium in the body, is important to your health. Science has learnt long ago that one mineral has a vital role to play here, it is magnesium. We already mentioned that brown rice contains magnesium, it is can therefore play a role in keeping a heart healthy. In general, eating whole grains can reduce the chances of plaque formation in the arteries. Fiber from whole grains is known to better protect from heart disease, as compared to fiber derived from fruits, vegetables and refined grains. 

Helps Digestion: The bran layer that is retained in brown rice ensures that, the grain has a higher fiber content as compared to white rice. It is no secret that dietary fiber helps keeps the digestive system in good condition. The health benefits of brown rice go beyond being a source for fiber, a cup of cooked brown rice provides more than 80% of the daily requirement of manganese. Undigested fats can accumulate in the bloodstream, manganese helps in the digestion of fat. It would be quite right to say that a simple switch from white (polished) rice to brown (unpolished)  rice, can help improve digestion. 

Cholesterol Control: Scientists are impressed with the proven health benefits of brown rice. The research into this wonder grain goes on and the emerging results are indeed very encouraging. Consuming brown rice regularly is very likely to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Improved digestion increases the amount of required bile acids. Cholesterol is one of the required ingredients to make bile acids, the liver responds by pulling more cholesterol from the bloodstream. Eating brown rice is recommended even if you are currently taking statins to control cholesterol levels. Whole grains including brown rice work together to statins, this translates into better cholesterol numbers. 

Cancer: This is a serious medical condition and you should not attempt to treat yourself if you are diagnosed with any type of cancer. It is however a good idea to get a brief idea of the direction in which research is moving. Free radicals in the body are known to be cancer causing agents. Manganese in which brown rice is rich could protect against free radicals. Medical experts are beginning to believe that brown rice could lower the risk of colon, breast and prostrate cancer. This could be attributed to the higher selenium levels in brown rice. We should mention that while brown rice is good for health, medical disorders and diseases should be treated by a medical expert. 

Blood Sugar: Dietary habits can have a short and long term effect on blood sugar levels. Diabetics are often advised to include whole grains including brown rice, into their diet. The carbohydrates present in brown rice help regulate the release of sugar into the bloodstream, white rice on the other hand can cause sharp spikes in sugar levels. If you happen to be a diabetic and are currently taking medications to control your blood sugar, consuming brown rice can help increase the efficiency of the medicines. It is important to understand that brown rice will help you maintain healthy sugar levels even if, you are not a diabetic. 

As your interest in brown rice grows, you will come to hear of many more health benefits. There is no need to blindly believe what you read or see, gather information and update your knowledge. You can always verify information with your doctor. Do not attempt to treat yourself or change the dosage of medications provided by your doctor. 

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